Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunrise Sunset

"The daily round of sunrise and sunset, for example, that marks the coming and passing of each day, is no longer a symbol of human hopes, or of God's majesty, but a grind, something we must grit our teeth to endure. Our busy schedules, and even urban architecture, which all too often deprives us of a sense of the sky, has diminished our capacity to marvel with the psalmist in the passage of time as an expression of God's love for us and all creation:

'It was God who made the great lights,
whose love endures forever;
the sun to rule in the day,
whose love endures forever;
the moon and stars in the night,
whose love endures forever.' (Psalm 136:7-9)"

-from The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and "Women's Work"  by Kathleen Norris ... our next book club read.


  1. I have that book (surprise!) and have so enjoyed it. Hope you all don't have trouble finding it. I had to do an Amazon used book search to get mine a couple of years ago.

    Enjoy, it's delicious. :)

  2. Great quote.
    Small book with lots
    to say to the heart and soul.



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