I went to a double friend's house the other day ("double" meaning I am friends with both the mother and the daughter of the house.) The daughter was visiting from her home out west. I was anxious to meet her baby, now five months old. I also was hoping for a diaper demo as we had emailed back and forth before the baby came as to the pros and cons of cloth diapers, and this new mom and her friends are really into them! I knew it was far more than the cloth diapers (called "nappies" across the pond) we used to use ... in fact, what they do could easily be called a "diapering system."
I was intrigued as Katrina showed how the varied diapering systems worked. She rattled off brand names that were so cutely bottom-oriented that you had to smile. The diapering was quite a process, but certainly no leaking could possibly come through! I especially liked the different colors. (At the shower, the mother-to- be received muslin-looking cloth diapers that we labeled "whole wheat.")
Everything comes back around, doesn't it? Gradually we're seeing a lot more of cloth diapers, (and not all by just "greenies"), glass baby bottles, home-made baby food, and moms choosing to stay home when possible.
But it's rather nice to be finished with those days, and to just sit back and watch (and pray for these young moms and their wee ones).
Looks like a lot of work that is going to be peed on....but very interesting..