When I have nothing in my hand
Where with to serve my King,
When Thy commandments find me weak,
And wanting everything,
My soul, upon Thy greatness cast,
Shall rise divinely free;
Then will I serve with what Thou hast,
And gird myself with Thee.
~Anna L. Waring
I was reading my little Joy and Strength devotional book today, as I have done for many years. Occasionally I make a note when something has been significant in my life related to what I've read. I noted that eight years ago today I read this and it was a sort of epiphany for me in a decision I was making. I was sorting out if I had the courage and "where-with-all" to co-lead a team of teenage girls to Romania, where we would work with orphans. I wasn't sure I could relate well with the girls, be away from home for over two weeks, and many other concerns that forced their way into my mind. I had been praying, yet fearful, and I still remember the morning I read this. Sun was shining into the blue room where I sat spending time with God. It was as if this huge confidence in God rose from my being and I knew without a doubt I should go, and yes, I would be able to manage with God's help. It was all about realizing I have "nothing in my hand" to serve Him with, and realizing HE would do the serving through me.
Of course it turned out to be a wonderful time. I had no trouble relating to the
When Thy commandments find me weak,
And wanting everything,
My soul, upon Thy greatness cast,
Shall rise divinely free;
Then will I serve with what Thou hast,
And gird myself with Thee.
~Anna L. Waring
I was reading my little Joy and Strength devotional book today, as I have done for many years. Occasionally I make a note when something has been significant in my life related to what I've read. I noted that eight years ago today I read this and it was a sort of epiphany for me in a decision I was making. I was sorting out if I had the courage and "where-with-all" to co-lead a team of teenage girls to Romania, where we would work with orphans. I wasn't sure I could relate well with the girls, be away from home for over two weeks, and many other concerns that forced their way into my mind. I had been praying, yet fearful, and I still remember the morning I read this. Sun was shining into the blue room where I sat spending time with God. It was as if this huge confidence in God rose from my being and I knew without a doubt I should go, and yes, I would be able to manage with God's help. It was all about realizing I have "nothing in my hand" to serve Him with, and realizing HE would do the serving through me.
Of course it turned out to be a wonderful time. I had no trouble relating to the

girls, and the joy of sharing the love of God with so many orphans there was
simply a lifetime high point. I could write a book about the babies confined all day to their cribs, and how we saw them become more lively through our care of them. God certainly proved His power in my life those weeks as He filled my empty hands. It is one of those stories in my life that I look back on and smile.