Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Yellow Christmas

Hard times can soften with age and become sweet, cherished memories. We were a young family living in a small West African country the Christmas the Gardener turned yellow. Times were unsettled in the country--both politically and economically. We were blessed to be able to take our truck every few months to a neighboring country to stock up on staples that we were unable to find on the empty grocery shelves in our adopted country. That privilege changed when the borders closed. Christmas was coming and our papa was very ill. When his skin turned yellow--almost green--I diagnosed him with hepatatis. He had a fairly rare reaction to the bile under his skin and it felt like fire with severe itching. We were low on food and most of our expatriot friends had left the city for the holidays. We set up our little tree, and that was when we made clothespin ornaments which still hang on our tree each Christmas. And that was when I learned to drink coffee to stay awake in the evenings so I could get things done.

It was a lonely and frightening time as I watched the pounds fall from the Gardener's tall frame. I longed for fruit juice to give him to drink--or meat ... The itching was almost unbearable for him. A hot bath followed by sitting under a fan helped, but we often had neither running water nor electricity. I'd sit up in the evening writing letters back home, reading, praying––often by candlelight––while the Gardener and our little boys slept. I found myself with no one but God to depend on. And I felt His presence so clearly I could almost touch it. He led me to comforting Scripture and filled us both with His peace, which is sometimes hard to comprehend, but it was there. And then there were the tangible evidence of His grace:

1. The first was when a Peace Corp friend knocked on our door before she left for Christmas. She put into my hand a piece of beef wrapped in tinfoil and tied with a red bow. Protein!

2. Another friend passing through our city brought us a bag of food from their pantry: cans of tuna, powdered FRUIT drink mix, and other staples.

3. A truck arrived at our door bringing two small barrels that had come by air from England. Friends who had recently lived in the country and now were home in England, heard of our plight and knew just what to purchase and send to us. Can you imagine our delight (and tears!) as we opened packages of rice, flour, sugar, granola, etc., clean and fresh-looking from the shelves of an English grocery?

4. House calls from the dean of the medical school nearby ... who came empty-handed but kept a watch on the Gardener.

Eventually he told us to go home and we did. It took the Gardener six months to recover from a severe case of Hepatitis A. The jaundice and itching lasted four months and it took him a long time to gain back the 60 pounds he lost. There are many more details to the story, but the key point to it all is that we never once doubted God's love and care for us, and we were amazed to see how He brought healing and provision in every way. The memories have become precious, and the yellow Christmas is probably our most favorite Christmas story.


  1. What a wonderful story for Christmas of God's love and provision. I'm so glad the gardener survived and God has blessed you through the years. Have a blessed Christmas with your family and loved ones Dotsie! Hugs, Pamela

  2. A really amazing story full of God's protection, provision and love! Sending very Merry Christmas greetings to you!

  3. What a test of faith -- but proof that God provides and rewards.

    Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas filled with many blessings!

  4. God always seems to send what we need just when we need it. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been for both of you and the boys. So glad you came through and thrived. A lovely Christmas story.


  5. I'm always amazed at how the hard times often end up being the sweetest.

    You tell the story so well. :)

  6. What a story - the layers of life there are to each of us. I'm so grateful that your story has a happy ending! God's love and care - you never doubted it and you were cared for.

  7. Podso,
    Touching, especially at this most blessed of Seasons. I'm so grateful that the Gardener survived. Your story of faith and PEACE is precious to all of us, as well. Thank you for sharing your Yellow Christmas with us! God bless us everyone!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Dotsie, tears are sliding down my cheeks. Such a beautiful story of God's love and care. I am most thankful that The Gardener weathered that difficult Christmas and that you two continue to bless so many lives--just as you did through the telling of this story. Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  9. Wow! Just WOW! Love you guys and thankful for you! Merry Christmas!

  10. Even the sparrows of the air sweetie, how much more will He care for us?

    Isn't that just like God to step in when we need it most.

    Truly, this is the best Christmas memory I've read yet 'cause it boasts the true meanin' of Christmas.

    Thanks for sharin' your wonderful story.

    God bless and have a bright and beautiful Christmas with the love of family, the laughter of friends and a song in your heart!


  11. It is a very touching and inspiring Christmas story!

    Wishing you a Christmas filled with peace and joy.

    Merry Christmas!


  12. Oh Dotsie, I held my breath while I read this ... whew! Isn't it amazing how the Lord comes through when we are at our lowest? What a story -- I'd love to sit with you someday and just listen and listen ...
    Merry Christmas, my friend - Cass

  13. Thank you for sharing the story of your 'Yellow Christmas'. We forget that God is personally going to take care of us when hard times come along, and it is so good to hear of His answers to your fervant prayers. What good news that your husband lived through that drastic illness. My heart is moved to read of it. How terrible it must have been for you both, but how merciful an ending. What a testimony!

    Warmest wishes for a Happy Christmas Dotsie, to you and your family!

  14. i sit hear crying..what a testament to faith.

    May your Christmas be full of many colors this year!

    Merry Christmas!

  15. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Tears. I am so grateful that you shared this Christmas story with us, Dotsie. So grateful that the Gardener recovered. God's love is ever present.

    Merry Christmas to you & yours!


  16. Thanks for sharing, what an amazing story of God's protection.


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