Monday, June 05, 2017

left behind

Everybody seems to be packing. At least in our neighborhood. In the last couple of months
four homes have sold in our cul de sac. Nothing bad going on, just the progression of life.
One neighbor had to go to a nursing home, another wanted a larger house for
their growing family, another graduated from seminary and is moving to the new job,
and yet another moved to be closer to family.
Three of our four new neighbors are very young couples.
(I see baby showers in the future.)
I lived in the house my father built from birth until we moved 700 miles away when I was sixteen.
And then for the next 20 years, I moved 21 times.
I got good at packing, decorating, and painting many, many rooms.
Good-byes were hard for me; change was hard for me, but always
ahead of me was the excitement of new things.
New adventures, new friends, new rooms to paint.
Along the way I collected many "old friends" who are still precious to me.

But I longed to put down roots. To feel really settled.
I've had my wish granted since we've moved only once
since that final one of the frequent moves.
We have history here. We're growing older with our friends.
But over the years, some of those good friends have moved away,
leaving a hole in our lives.

And so I've discovered that it's not easy to be the one left behind.
I watch as the moving van makes its last visible turn around the bend,
taking a family to its new life. I turn away, feeling an emptiness.
It's quiet where there was laughter. I miss the noise next door of children playing. 
The rhythms of living change.


  1. Changes...they are so much a part of life. You will keep in touch with your former neighbors and your new neighbors are so blessed and may not yet know it. That's because you are a wonderful neighbor to have. I just know it.

  2. Oh Dotsie, I understand this so well. Having lived in our home for 44 years, we have said goodbye to a lot of folks. Our neighborhood has changed so much through the years. I can't imagine having moved as many times as you! I bet your new neighbors will become friends soon. Have a nice afternoon. ♥

  3. It is hard to say good-bye when we're invested in people's hearts and lives. May you continue to invest in these new people that God has sent your way . . . even if it is for a time.

  4. I so hope the new neighbors are good ones. Our little neighborhood is quiet and people mostly keep to themselves. But we have two houses sold recently and and elderly neighbor has his home up for sale - changes that I hope are good ones!

    I'm certain you are a great neighbor to have, they'll all be blessed that they live on your street!

  5. Our neighborhood is 2 streets that end in cul-de-sacs--16 homes when we moved here 36 years ago with 3 new houses built later on the remaining lots. When the first set of people started moving away (I'd met all of them at neighborhood gatherings) I found it harder and harder to get to know the new people especially since our children are grown now and no one kept up the get-togethers. Several of the original owners have died. Many of the houses have had several owners since we've been here. I hope your new neighbors will be people you can get to know and be friends with.

  6. I know what you mean. Living in Florida, we are always seeing people moving away or sometimes just moving into another home in our community. Things are always changing. Hugs, Diane

  7. I can relate on both sides of the issue. We have been here now for 25 years in this house and have seen friends (both neighbors and friends at church, etc.) come and go during this time. If all goes according to plan (His plan too), we will be the ones leaving friends and loved ones behind in possibly a year or so. The thought of it overwhelms me and excites me all at the same time. Changes like this are a part of life that we just have to accept. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Lord brings you new neighbors that will bless you and be blessed by you as well!

  8. It's just so true. Life moves on and things ALWAYS change. You'd think at 62 I would have embraced that by now. But change is still always hard for me. But one thing I've learned for sure. God always finds a way to bless each change. I so drug my feet moving from our home of 25 years, (even though all of our friends moved on long before we did!) but the way He has blessed this new chapter of our lives makes me wonder why I dreaded it so. I "think" we will remain here until He brings one of us home for good, but if not, I hope I remember there is nothing to dread.

  9. Love the raw truth of this post. We are in a season of change and it's funny to think that the one house we really didn't pick out to buy is the one we've been in the longest. I hope those new neighbors add some joy and fun to the "hood".

  10. Yes, it's hard to face some of the changes in life. Change always means loss of some sort. We've lived in this house the longest of any, and it's been less than 15 years. Neighbours have moved in and out and the high turnover makes it hard to make friends. I hope your new neighbours become 'kindred spirits'.

  11. That must be what it is like to live in a community. It would be hard to see people leave and exciting to see new people come, new friends. Your last photo tells it all.

  12. We moved so much when I was young... but, even then I recognized it was easier being the one leaving than the one left behind. There is always something new and exciting for the one leaving. There is a hole for the one left behind. But, new things do show up. Wishing you some wonderful new neighbors, Dotsie. They will be so lucky to have you! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  13. I am glad you are staying!

  14. Dotsie, This was a touching post. I have lived in the same part of the country most of my life. Always been close to family. I think about 5 moves in my whole life. Thanks for sharing. I check your blog regularly. Sylvia D.


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