Monday, November 21, 2016

mixing seasons

I wish I had been in reach of my camera at our last book club.
These few taken after it was over will have to give you a glimpse into enchantment.
Our hostess outdid herself in setting a table that was a wonder to gaze upon.
I soaked in every detail. The book, Finding Jupiter, had a winter theme,
and Christmas too, so she combined that with autumn in a subtle, brilliant way.
There were many little things on the table that were significant to the 
story--some we got right away and others she explained to us.

What I appreciated was how she expressed how much she loved preparing the table.
(We all brought the food--such as scones, sweet bread, muffins, cheese, etc.)
I love going to casual get togethers at friends' homes, but I also
like feeling honored when someone prepares in a very special way.
 And our hostess did just that on a beautiful, late fall morning.
Sun streamed in the windows, reflecting the warm colors of autumn
leaves, and danced on the glittered objects on the table.
All while we drank tea and discussed our book.
We all left feeling like "we'd been somewhere."


  1. How gorgeous! And I love reading winter themed books in the winter season. I can't wait to make a stack of Christmas books on my library table. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  2. This table does look magical, Dotsie; I love how everything sparkles so warmly. :) Why is it we never have our cameras when we need them? I'm terrible about that myself. It sounds like you had a special book club meeting for the month -- another nice holiday memory.

    Thanks for your visit today, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Warm hugs,


  3. I love hosting, but I think I love going to other people's houses even better, especially when they create a special feeing of welcome!

  4. How very lovely all the special touches are. How fun to follow some themes in the book you all read.

  5. I like feeling as if I have been somewhere, too. That's a nice way of explaining the feeling, especially after all the creative work your hostess did. It is so cool the way you gals read and discuss a book. I think you'll be remembering this one.

  6. What a pretty winter-themed table. I like that feeling of getting into another place, for just a little while. Did your friend add glitter to a mason jar, and a string of lights inside? It's so sparkly.

  7. Your friend created a lovely table for your book club. All of the special touches make for a special day. ♥

  8. Looks like a miniature winter wonderland. Creating a pretty table even for a casual gathering makes everyone attending feel special.

  9. Always wish I was a hidden visitor at your book club meetings. So beautiful EVERYtime. :)

  10. Really wonderful! Such a beautiful thing when someone takes the time to do things "just so" and you get to be the beneficiary. Fantastic photos of a lovely time.

  11. It shows such caring and respect for her guests that she wanted to make it festive and lovely for you all. What a delight!

  12. It shows such caring and respect for her guests that she wanted to make it festive and lovely for you all. What a delight!

  13. Book clubs are a wonderful way to enjoy both reading and spending time with friends, theming the setting to match the book makes everything extra special. Your friend set the scene beautifully, thanks for sharing it and the book recommendation with us at Mosaic Monday this week.

  14. Your photos are lovely. I have also begun to decorate home for Christmas...

  15. She must be a wonderfully creative and welcoming hostess! I, too, love your phrase, "We all left feeling like 'we'd been somewhere.'"

  16. Delightful! Your book club is very special.

  17. I love this time of year when the two holidays collide. It sounds like that was the perfect book to go along with the season. It does make you feel a little special when you know your hostess has really gone above and beyond!

  18. It looks very pretty with the sparkle and hints of Christmas. The fellowship sounds wonderful too. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday!


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