1. Share one of your happy thoughts here: Looking forward to the holidays after a long hot summer and election season. Family coming, friend gatherings, and quiet moments at home … all
are things to be happy about.
2. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap, if you want happiness for a day, go fishing." What say you? It doesn't take much to make me happy: a walk in the woods … a ride over back roads … a bike ride … playing with my grands!
3. Where do you go to decompress from the world around you?
Water does it--lake or ocean, or the mountains. Even home--with a cup of tea and a good book.
4. What song never fails to make you happy? It's hard to choose. Music is soothing and
often brings joy, but what popped into my head immediately
was the 2013 Ph*rrell Williams "Happy."
It's a real "perker upper."
5. Today is National Fast Food Day.What's the last fast food you consumed? If you were putting together your own version of happy meal what would it include? Fast food has it's place,
I suppose and possibly our most recent may have been a Chick-fil-a piece of chicken
on a recent road trip. My own happy meal would include an apple, cheese, nuts, olives,
a piece of very dark chocolate and a bottle of water.
6. In a few sentences tell us why you blog: I started blogging to give me an outlet for
writing and expressing some thoughts after my father died 11 years ago.
I love both photography and writing so it was a good combination for both.
What I didn't realize initially how I'd come to appreciate the community
that you find with other bloggers.
7. List seven things you're especially grateful for today:
Each and every day I'm thankful for my relationship with God and His daily grace;
my gentle, very tall husband; the heritage of my family,
the internet to keep in close touch with friends and family;
my loving boys; grandchildren; and our freedom.
8. Your own random thought:
Relief has come with cooler weather finally arriving.
Some rain would be wonderful, but meanwhile the early
darkness settling in calls for candles and coziness.