Tuesday, May 03, 2016


My computer charger was broken so that meant a trip to the apple store
at our local mall. I used to call it "our" mall, but don't any more.
Going there on a Saturday was less than smart, but I needed my computer.
The mall was packed with people dressed too well for a Saturday.
Stores buzzed with loud music and crowds cramming around counters.
I waded through droves of shoppers to reach the apple store
and didn't even feel like people watching, it was all so intense.
When we lived closer I'd go early mornings to walk
the mall, and it was easy to drop in to shop.
Then the CHANGE came. I think it doubled in size.
Now when I go I can't find a familiar store and
look in vain to find some semblance of what it used to be
while wondering where all the people came from.
I think I recognize an escalator and maybe the main door.
Our old mall seems broken.
I need to stop thinking about what used to be. 
That's a key to living gracefully with all the changes that come the longer we live.
Accept and go on.

"Broken" reminds me of a sweet story about our youngest grand.
Coming home from the last day at her mom's Bible study and her story time,
she was holding tightly to a little New Testament she had been given.
She loves little books and always goes for an 1800s small book I have on a low bookshelf.
She climbs into a chair with it and "reads"aloud.
But in the car her mama kept hearing from the back, 
"My Bible is broken, Mommy."
"It's broken."

Our DIL finally figured out what Littlest meant.
It had no pictures like her sister's and brother's story Bibles.
Indeed, broken.
Photos of a restroom "island" in St. Petersburg, FL.
I was struck by all the broken windows.


  1. Very nice post. Thank you.

  2. I still like pictures and a book's cover has sold or not sold me. So did you find what you needed? My cord to the charger wears out very quickly. I received a new one for Christmas and need another for Mother's Day. ; > I avoid "our" mall like the plague. It all began when hordes of goths invaded and made it a vast wasteland some twenty years ago. The Goths are gone, but then so am I.

  3. What a sweet story about your littlest grand!!

    The mall makes me nuts! I only go to the mall if I can't get what I want anywhere else. Love your pictures of the broken window...you have a good eye!!

  4. I am not a mall shopper either! I prefer independent stores and preferably small businesses! But the Apple store is in malls, so sometimes we must go! :)

    Those windows are beautiful - so sad that they are broken. I think you are right about accepting and moving on. It makes everything easier.

  5. Dotsie, our mall is no longer the familiar either. The traffic to get there keeps me away.
    I love the story about your grand and the lack of pictures. Pictures do help tell the story. ♥

  6. It's happening here too Dotsie, the malls increase in size and all the small businesses shut in town down. I think that's why on-line shopping is becoming more appealing to our age group, not all the walking, hustle and bustle and noise.
    We talked about change at Bible study this morning, how we have to be open to new ideas and progress - sometimes hard when one loses their comfort zone.

  7. Podso,
    I hardly go to our Mall, either, dear friend!
    I'd much rather go to the Antique Mall or Flea Market! (wink!)
    Sometimes, when I need a new outerware coat or shoes, I do travel inside.
    I have an abundance of "stuff",
    guess that's why the allure of shopping doesn't appeal to me on this venue.
    Loved the Bible Story!
    Aren't kids incredible?

  8. Change. Some of it I like, some I don't. I dislike it when stores I've frequented move or go out of business or expand. (ooh, that makes me sound very particular). Love the little one's interpretation of "broken."

  9. Those beautiful windows are pretty fancy for a restroom. We lost our close-by mall--the one I'd take my babies to in their stroller just to get out of the house and into air conditioning--about five years ago. It's being torn down this Spring and a Walmart put up.

  10. Change can be hard, especially when it makes us feel out of step. Perhaps some early morning trips will help you to regain that feeling of the mall being yours. I loved the story of your granddaughter and her New Testament.

  11. I stay away from our malls Podso - too big and too many people for me!
    It's hard to find a car park too!
    Oh I love the 'broken' story of your youngest grand - I agree, for little ones a book without pictures is broken!!


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