Friday, April 15, 2016

Mostly a garden tour

1.  I walked around the garden with my phone camera today,
thinking to catch a few images before spring disappears.
The old swing has survived another winter.
It might be time for a good scrubbing and some repairs.
 2, The irises are on their way--I call them the "ladies with the big show."
There must be some metaphor for life here. They work all year to prepare for just a week of glory.
 3. The phlox are brilliant this year as they march further and further across our front garden.
Our strange spring weather is allowing them extra time this season. 
The transplanted peonies seem to like their new location.
Love their color and love their show, coming soon.
4. Because it got cool again, our winter beauties are giving us a grand finale of gorgeousness.
When the hot weather arrives they will be dug out and replaced by pansies.
5. I made this card for a friend's birthday from a photo I took of her buffet.
I love the painting that hangs in the background and did a little work in photoshop with it.
She didn't recognize it at first. We had a good laugh.
Bonus: I think I must be the tent grandma as they kids are always
asking me for one. Then they pack a knapsack of toys for playing in the tent,
as if they are on a little journey.
I realized today that I probably have more fun with 
my grandees than maybe anyone these days!

For the first time I'm joining Five on Friday, 
and already I've stepped outside the box and added a bonus.

Joining Amy's Five on Friday 
and Mosaic Monday.


  1. I enjoyed looking at your garden, Dotsie. Your peonies are really a lot further along than ours. Your swing has a lovely patina. We had to replace our old one and it doesn't have that lovely look like I see on yours. Enjoy your weekend. ♥

  2. My grands used to love to make tents, but they have all gotten too old for that now..except for one little one who I don't get to see much. Love your flowers and your wood swing. I have one that I keep having to put weatherproofing on, but I do enjoy having a swing so much, I don't care if I have to work on it. Enjoyed my visit- have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful garden, I am a great fan of Iris loving their vibrant colour. Such a great idea to make tents for the Grandchildren, they look as if they are having a great time.

  4. I love your photoshopped card! That was a great idea to use your friend's own home for her card. Spring is only just now showing in my garden. I hope to get out in my garden this week. I've been busy with grandCHILDREN yesterday--that's right....our first grandson was born on Thursday! Yesterday we went to see him and then babysat Olivia so her parents could visit little Alejandro since the hospital doesn't permit children, except siblings, to visit the maternity ward.

  5. Playing in a tent is one of the best things to do ever. I am quite possibly a bit too old now but my children still enjoy den building. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. That old swing seat is lovely, I'm imagining all the fun your grandies have playing there as well as making tents!
    I'm an Iris lover too and I would love to see your "Ladies with the big show". I wonder what colours they are.
    I'll look back on your older posts and try and find them!
    You are a great gran Dotsie - the littlies must love being at your house.
    I'm about to redo my pots and Pansies are on the list - they make a great show.

  7. Irises should last all summer! The only thing that grows more lovely with each passing year. Your swing is wonderfully rustic and a most suitable prop for many picture-taking moments. Loved seeing the little campers on a journey.

  8. The Iris and peony and among my favorite flowers and they just do not last long enough to suit me. But that being said, my spring would be so bland without them. So I will be happy with what I have! Have a grand day!!

  9. That Iris bed is going to be beautiful. I enjoyed the walk around your garden. Indoor tents!! so much fun. have a good weekend.

  10. Your grandees are super sweet!

    I spotted your peony right away! Oh how I love them! You are weeks ahead of us in the garden. My peonies are up and growing but not where yours are at! I like your swing too!

  11. I am so jealous that you have grands - one day I will have a few to play with!

  12. Hello, it's so nice to meet you via Five on Friday! Your garden is so pretty and your little grandchildren are adorable! Isn't it fun to be a Grandma? Wishing you a wonderful day, Pat :)

  13. Spring is well on its way there Dotsie. It looks lovely and I'm sure it will be unbearably hot soon. I must remember to make a ten when our grandsons come to visit this summer. They will have fun with it. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead.

  14. Nice to see some of your garden Dotise and I love how the irises surround the birdbath. I remember the tent days, many times sofa cushions with a blanket across, such fun as a secret place for the grands.

  15. You had me at the swing! And the birdbath. I'm just starting to bring my things out of the shed. Your card is beautiful!


  16. Hello, I like the swing and pretty flowers. The tent with the grandkids is wonderful, what fun! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  17. Your iris 'field' is full of promises! And the violas sparkle their pink, how great.

  18. Kids always love tents. I loved them as a child, even staying under the laundry rack 'tent' with a vaporizer when I was sick. My grandkids too love makeshift tents. I enjoyed your garden. Those irises are a real treat, aren't they! Can't wait!

  19. A lovely walk and I especially love the pansies!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  20. Podso,
    Your Five On Friday are amazing, dear friend!
    The Garden Swing speaks volumes to my heart!
    My Sister and I purchased one for my Dad, many years ago,
    for a Father's Day Gift. . .just so he could sit and swing with the Grands!

  21. You know, I believe we're just like your iris. Think of all the preparations for Christmas, which lasts only a day.

  22. You know, I believe we're just like your iris. Think of all the preparations for Christmas, which lasts only a day.

  23. I love the bonus!
    I think I'm having more fun with my grands than with anyone, too. Our two and a half year old granddaughter called from a holiday in Hawaii this evening. "I have a Popsicle, Nana!' I had to laugh at her joy in the treat.

  24. No garden tours around here as of yet so I enjoyed taking this one with you~

  25. You have several of my favorite flowers/shrubs in your garden, Dotsie. I have to say that irises are one of my very, very favorites. They always remind me of Monet's watercolors of his garden at Giverny. The moss phlox has been gorgeous this spring -- in fact, everything has bloomed beautifully and for longer than usual. Your grandees are darling; I really hope Hal and I will get some one day. :)

    I enjoyed your post, Dotsie -- hope you have a great week!



  26. Your springtime garden is so pretty...full of life and color and promise.

    Oh, the memories you are creating as you enjoy your grands, planting seeds of love and grace as full of promise as your springtime garden.

  27. I love the idea of making the card from a photo of your friend's own home! She will always cherish that, I'm sure! Your old swing really looks so cool the way it is...I wouldn't spiffy it up too much. :D


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