Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Viewing the Restored

Like most of you who responded to my previous post, I prefer visiting a restored
 historic home. I enjoy history and like to see what life may have been like "back then."
Though we've visited Charleston many times, we don't usually go inside the
homes. This time since we had a free hotel, we decided to splurge on some 
home tours and they were well worth the expense.
 The "outdoor rooms" were pretty spectacular.
Spring was at its peak.
In most of the houses we could not take photos, which is a good
thing for me. This way I could really focus on what I was
hearing and enjoy viewing things without having a camera in front of my face.

What took my breath away in this room was the piano in the corner: well over 300 years old.
 Front doors provide adornment for their houses.
 Kitchen garden.
The weather was perfect.
And the scent of wisteria a most lovely addition.


  1. I've never been to Charleston, but what I think I could get the most excited about are the gardens! I'm often torn between my acreage and a desire for a small town garden surrounded by a brick wall and iron gate. I think I need a couple of lives to enjoy all there is to enjoy!

  2. After reading the Tea Shop mysteries that take place in Charleston, I'd love to visit there with the historic aspect to see.
    Since wisteria rarely makes it here, I've not had the pleasure of its fragrance.

  3. I wonder if I will ever sniff the scent of wisteria. It makes me think of lilac, but I am sure that it is uniquely its own fragrance. Sorry, but I am glad to see the interior shots. They are my favorites as lovely as the gardens are.

  4. Oh how I would lOVE to take these tours...soo pretty! Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Absolutely beautiful, while out and about yesterday, I noticed the wisteria was in full bloom, one of my favorite scents in spring, I believe I can now say spring has sprung.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I hear Charleston is full of wonderful restored homes. It would be so interesting to tour some of them. So thank you for taking us along with you on this tour!

  7. Wow, that piano is incredible! What a beautiful home!
    I love lilacs. We don't get them here, but they pop up all over in the mountains!!!
    xo Kris

  8. I have never been to Charleston either but I really have no good excuse...I have a niece who lives there and she has asked us to come...just have never worked out the details. I really need to do something about that! What loveliness...inside and out!

  9. ahhh...the wysteria!

  10. Charleston is such a charming city. We visited friends there twice, many years ago. The menfolk took the children off to tour battleships and have fun while my friend and I toured houses. I loved it all. One day we all went to Middleton Plantation which was very interesting, and very hot. Reading your post brought back memories. So glad you shared with us.

  11. This is a beautifully restored home and I loved seeing the furnishings inside. We were in Charleston a few years ago as a day trip from Myrtle Beach. We didn't have time to tour any homes though but I took lots of pictures of the beautiful ones along the pretty streets.

  12. Couldn't you just close your eyes and go back in time? What a beautiful place- I'm glad you got a few shots to share!

  13. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures!

  14. Just the kind of place I love!

    How delightful!


  15. How exciting to have a free hotel room and then get to tramp through all these beautiful places!! That sounds like my kind of vacation!

  16. Beautiful photos of Charleston. We love to visit there.

  17. oh my gosh that last photo was amazing!!! The wisteria is gorgeous!!!

    what a fun visit!!!


  18. A very gracious home Dotsie.
    I know what you mean about the camera - there are times when it's just not appropriate to snap away.
    In the book and movie 'Gone with the Wind' was it Charleston where Rhett Butler lived in a very grand house?
    It's still one of my favorite movies.


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