"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
another year

We've had an abundance of rain. More than some would like. But, we can never complain again, as we now know first hand what a severe drought is like. The grass is green and spring has been lush, much in contrast to the brown grass and dying plants of last summer. We still look at this rain in awe and remember the prayers last summer's drought produced. They're still being answered, and we are thankful.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
the power of a handwritten note
I was reminded today of the impact a simple note can make. Several years ago I wrote to a family I did not know well, to encourage them about something we had in common. I never heard from them, nor saw them again. But because of what we share in common, I often think of them and wonder if they ever received what I wrote.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
To Poach or Not to Poach
We were treated to perfectly poached eggs when visiting Lulu and Stefano recently. He is a perfectionist. He has a very good pan and has making them down to a science, or rather, an art. Watching him work his craft, we were mesmerized. And of course, since he could be an outstanding salesman, we decided we would now begin to have poached eggs.
Drop Ins
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Greener Pasture
The family story is told that long ago, my grandmother would send her five boys across the street to play at the neighbors (who also had about five boys.) The boys would play in front of the house and tear up the lawn, as 1o active boys most likely would do. Meanwhile, the front lawn at my grandmother's house remained in good condition. Mrs. S. used to say to Mrs. F. (so the story goes): "I'm so glad the boys play in my yard, because I love looking over at your beautiful, green lawn."
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
When Times Are Tough
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A Small Thing

Sitting at our son's table this weekend, a good meal completed, I noticed him filling the pepper shaker. His father fills ours. I don't always notice father in son, but in this very small thing, I saw his father instantly. I am grateful that, although not always obvious, there are many things peppering Second Son's life that proclaim he is his father's son. Most go unnoticed because they are, simply put, so much of what they both just are. But I took note of the moment, and it has stayed with me.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008

My sister phoned early this morning to tell of the safe arrival of her grandson. We all had a sleepless night as we had learned my niece was being induced, and there could be a problem with the baby, which they thought was only about five pounds (yet nearly 39 weeks).
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What Mothers Know
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Singing of Birds

"The time of the singing of birds is come,"--the time when nature calls aloud to us and bids us awaken out of the deadness of personal grief, and rejoice in the new manifestations of His beauty that God is making to the world. 'Behold, I am alive for evermore, and the dead live to me.' Was not this the secret saying which the new venture was writing all over the hills, and which the young pattering leaves and singing birds were repeating in music? It must be well to have ears to hear and a heart that could respond with a little flutter of returning joy and thankfulness."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Phone Conversation
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
packing mags
I sat next to a thirty-something firefighter this morning and was having a little trouble reading a piece of paper. He offered to take it across the room so I could see it better. He has a good sense of humor. Then he said to me that they are "packing magnifying glasses" in the firetruck these days. "Seems to me," he leaned back in his chair, "that if someone needs a magnifying glass to read a map, maybe he shouldn't be driving." He went on to make some reference to these older guys needing help carrying the hoses anyway.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Lamb Supper

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We certainly enjoyed time with our nephew's little girls down in the most southeastern state. Now that they are running around and showing off their personalities, memories came quickly of 28 years ago when their daddy was their age. Such fun to push an umbrella stroller again ... read some of the stories we read to our kids ... picnic in the park ... and many other pleasures that become more so with little people around.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Airport Toys
Sitting around in airports again this week, it came to my attention that most people occupy themselves pretty well at an airport. The bottom line, if there is nothing else, is people-watching. That’s actually my favorite airport pastime. But I find most people busy with tangible toys. If they don’t have a laptop open (and if you happen to walk behind and see the screen, you find eight times out of ten, they are playing a game), they are messing with a cell phone (either talking on it or playing with it), an iPod, a blackberry, or, rarely, reading a paperback. A few sleep or eat, but very few aren’t doing something.
On today’s trip home there was a particularly interesting older European couple pushing the system. When they were checking in with a good deal of panache, I noticed they had a pair of wrist-cuffed crutches with them. I wondered what they were for. When it came time for early boarding, we headed for the door with my mother and they hobbled up, each using one of those crutches like a cane. Saw them later at our destination, walking at a good pace, “crutches” tucked under their arms. Toys or a true crutch (no pun intended)?