Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Crown is Waiting

Youngest son just had his "hands on" dental board exams this past weekend. Can you imagine--having to round up mostly strangers who have in their mouths something you need to show that you can fix? And not only that, these mostly strangers--you have to count on them showing up at the right time and the right place! Or, you get to try again later at a huge cost. My own dentist told me how when he did his boards, he had to put one such candidate up in a hotel and buy him a meal and drive him to the appointment to be sure he showed up!

But we thank God that they all showed up and son felt he did okay, though still waiting to hear for sure. That's a big sigh of relief and answer to prayer. There's still the written exam, but I was mostly worried about those people showing up and opening their mouths.

We're proud of our son. I've got a crown for him--waiting for graduation day! Oh--not on his head, but in my mouth!

Photo: showing off dental lab on the white coat occasion

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhh...... I know the relief he feels! Congrats!!!


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