Friday, May 27, 2016

About this week

 First there was a piano recital. Little One is growing up so quickly!
 Then an indoor picnic with burgers cooked on one of these green eggs.
Possibly the best burgers ever!
The final gathering of our mentor group…the end of a two-year journey together.
We celebrated with a wonderful dinner of hors d'oeuvres. 
And lingered enjoying an early summer evening on the porch.
Some of us nearly-lifetime friends enjoy celebrating birthdays--a good 
chance to get together, and we did so this week.
 This little dessert … do you see the center?
Ganache! Oh my.
 School is out this week and Little One and I
celebrated with our third annual end-of-year milkshake
at the counter of the"local." She's goofing around for the photo.
Bonus: Tea tray.

Friday, May 20, 2016

working breakfast: five on friday

 A friend and I had some plans to work on so we met at her house.
She was going to make us a simple breakfast with omelets.
When I saw her roses on the tray I thought this isn't a "simple" breakfast.
 It actually was "simple made beautiful" by the touches she thoughtfully added.
 A fresh flower adorned each of our plates.
 Her crocheted mug jackets kept the coffee warm.
We ate and talked on her porch while a gentle
rain fell on a cool morning,
interrupted only by a check on the neighborhood's newborn ducklings.
Five photos today so I can join Five on Friday.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

up there and back

 A road trip up north has kept us occupied for the last 10+days. 
The Gardener had meetings, and we included some time with old friends,
and family in our travels. We loved seeing Spring for a second time
and enjoyed some cool weather.
 We were near the Gardener's home town so that always
means a visit to the cemetery. 
It rained all or some of each day we were away.
It wasn't bad except when downpours made driving difficult.

I love the abundance of old homes and churches that fill the landscape.
And authentic diners!
It seemed good to have a blogging break, but I know
 I'm in for good reading as I catch up.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016


My computer charger was broken so that meant a trip to the apple store
at our local mall. I used to call it "our" mall, but don't any more.
Going there on a Saturday was less than smart, but I needed my computer.
The mall was packed with people dressed too well for a Saturday.
Stores buzzed with loud music and crowds cramming around counters.
I waded through droves of shoppers to reach the apple store
and didn't even feel like people watching, it was all so intense.
When we lived closer I'd go early mornings to walk
the mall, and it was easy to drop in to shop.
Then the CHANGE came. I think it doubled in size.
Now when I go I can't find a familiar store and
look in vain to find some semblance of what it used to be
while wondering where all the people came from.
I think I recognize an escalator and maybe the main door.
Our old mall seems broken.
I need to stop thinking about what used to be. 
That's a key to living gracefully with all the changes that come the longer we live.
Accept and go on.

"Broken" reminds me of a sweet story about our youngest grand.
Coming home from the last day at her mom's Bible study and her story time,
she was holding tightly to a little New Testament she had been given.
She loves little books and always goes for an 1800s small book I have on a low bookshelf.
She climbs into a chair with it and "reads"aloud.
But in the car her mama kept hearing from the back, 
"My Bible is broken, Mommy."
"It's broken."

Our DIL finally figured out what Littlest meant.
It had no pictures like her sister's and brother's story Bibles.
Indeed, broken.
Photos of a restroom "island" in St. Petersburg, FL.
I was struck by all the broken windows.

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