Monday, January 25, 2016

one at a time

I make one cup of real coffee in the morning while the Gardener may or may not make a full pot of decaf. For years I used a plastic cone found at a yard sale. The coffee dripped quickly throughout the filter and I knew just how much hot water to pour over the grounds. Eventually I got a ceramic cone. The hole is a bit smaller so it takes longer for the water to run through. I can either stand there and watch the process, or run and do something and come back, hoping the cup hasn't overflowed.

I have the "gift" of multitasking. It seems that I often do more than one thing at a time, if not three. And there's so much I want to do in a day, that it seems hard to stand still for however long it takes for the coffee to filter through.

But I have determined to do just that. I force myself to watch and wait. 
It's a good discipline for a ditsy multi tasker. 
And it's a sort of relief to focus on just one thing.
The traffic in our city is a somewhat related topic. I was talking to a friend recently about 
how we both notice how cars hesitate when the light turns green, resulting in more traffic. 
We think it's people on their cell phones--texting or checking emails or reading Facebook. 
Have you noticed?
Some of our traffic lights hold excessively long, so I have been known to check my email 
or dictate a text while constantly watching for the light to change. 
But more recently, as with the coffee making above, I'm trying to keep 
my phone in my purse and focus on only one thing. 
Well ... maybe two if I have the radio on.

How about you?

Joining Mosaic Monday.


  1. Good morning, multi tasking is a good thing. Only one cup of coffee, I feel like I need 3 or more, lol. I do keep my cell phone in my pocketbook while driving. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. 1. I'm not a coffee drinker but I do like my loose tea in a diffuser mug. 2. It's against the law to use a cell phone while driving in most Canadian provinces including ours. No talking or texting unless you have bluetooth, then you may talk, which I find distracting. Fines will take a big dent out your wallet if caught. And people still do it! I will sit at a light that has just turned green to make sure someone isn't running a red light from the other direction. I had a close call one day at a busy intersection and nearly got hit as I edged into the intersection. Thankfully I was still checking all directions and managed to stop. You should have seen the look on the other driver's face when she realized she'd ran a red. :) Did you get any snow there? I saw how much they got in Washington and NYC and how disastrous it is for them. Have a great week Dotsie.

  3. When I visit my friend, an old fashioned sort of woman, simple, frugal, British-like. She either uses a French press to make my coffee or a coffee cone like yours. So smart. Here we use the coffee pod type machine for my one cup coffee each morning. The cone is smart and economical both for the pocketbook and environment.

  4. I'm still using an old plastic cone and dread the day when it cracks or disintegrates!

  5. I applaud your desire to be more in the moment--which goes counter to multi-tasking. It is something I need to get better at. Now that I have a "smart" phone, I've only made it more difficult! I can sit in the kitchen checking e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook while waiting for my coffee to brew rather than sit quietly contemplating or gazing out the window (if it's not before dawn). As for waiting at the light. Here in Maryland it is against the law to even be on the cell phone during a red light! But I know that does not deter a lot of people. But I'm like Pamela above--I hesitate if I don't have a clear line of vision of the crossing street. I, too, had a close call when I started into an intersection in Baltimore. The city bus to my right blocked my vision, but thankfully I have good reflexes (and God's Hand) to enable me to stop before colliding with the car that had just ran the light.

  6. I'm afraid that I am not a good multi-tasker. Of course, I think all women learn to multi-task because of the nature of our work at home. And I do hate to waste time just w-a-i-t-i-n-g on one thing or another. But I really don't think I'm very good at it. I have a one-track mind, so if someone says something to me while I'm concentrating on another thing, I lose both. (Light bulb moment. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to write a blog post.) :)

    1. I keep meaning to say how much I love your new header!!

  7. I am so impatient and in traffic, or with a drip coffee filter, I would be pacing ;) well maybe not, but maybe so. I hope that you have a Happy Week~

  8. I don't have the patience to even wait for the kettle to boil, I do something else while waiting. Here we have a law against texting and driving. It's often ignored, however, and there are far too many distracted drivers out there on the road. I never use the phone when driving. I don't want to be the cause of an accident.
    Enjoy your week!

  9. My daughter loves the pour over method of coffee making as well, Dotsie. I'm a tea drinker, but when I make my tea I have to wait for it to steep and always have other things to do. I agree with Cheryl, it's the nature of our work. I'm concerned about the use of smart phones in automobiles. I don't think we need to be online 24 hours a day. The use of a cell phone is prohibited by any driver under 18 while driving and texting is banned for all drivers in our state. ♥

  10. I seldom use my phone while driving and since it's against the law to text while driving in my state, I don't do that. Besides I gotta concentrate on what I am doing, where I am going. I love being "in the moment", enjoying to the fullest (and paying full attention) to whatever the task is at hand. We don't do enough of being in the moment and miss so much.

  11. I think it's good to be in the moment, but I also think that multitasking is good for the brain. I try to practice patience, but it's not going to be with my coffee in the morning. NOW is when I want

  12. Women are good at multitasking, men not. I'm learning nowadays to live more in the moment, concentrate at one thing at a time. Are we really in such a hurry? :))

  13. Out here in Lubbock, we have a lot of red light runners...when our light turns green, we always wait just a second to make sure cars STOP for their red light.

  14. Podso,
    Great hidden message in this post, dear friend!!!
    I, too, am trying to concentrate on one thing at a time!!!
    (Says the blogger that is also doing laundry!!! wink!)

  15. I'm a multi-tasker too, but leave the phone in my purse, as it is illegal to even look at it while driving - a big fine will ensue!
    Regarding the hesitation at green lights - I think it has to do with the number of people running yellow lights, and even sneaking through when the light has turned red. It is impossible up here to take for granted that the intersection will be clear on the green light.

  16. I recently read an article on 'hurry sickness'. It was enlightening or should I say pointed out what I already knew about myself, hmmm
    And yes, I have noticed driver behavior due to cell phone usage.

  17. Forgot to say, I like the photo arrangement you used for Mosaic Monday.

  18. I do think the use of the cell phones when driving are a terrible distraction, and even if you pull it out to look at it when stopped, you might miss a light and get honked at. ;-) I do try to enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning, but have to restrain myself.

  19. Don't get me started on people who use cell phones while driving...glad to read that you're not one of those. =D Do you also say to those slow start drivers, "What color green are you waiting for?"

    I learned something here today. I never knew what that plastic thing is and I tossed mine out. (Not that I would brew one cup of coffee that way.) Good to know for camping, though.

  20. Multitasking is almost a necessity these days, isn't it? We use a Keuring and the novelty of expensive pods wore off quickly so we fill the filter thing with ground coffee ourselves. It's not hard to tell when someone is on their phone doing something for as you say, there's hesitation at green lights and the drivers tend to drive slower until finished what they're doing. I have blue tooth through my car for calls and ignore incoming texts until I'm parked. How did we manage as young mothers without a cell. lol

  21. I use a similar drip through single cup coffee maker, too...for about 25 years. Mine doesn't taper to a vee, though. Makes the best coffee, ever!

  22. I am a multi-tasker, too.

    We do get annoyed with those who like to sit through the green lights! I'm trying to learn acceptance of these annoyances and let them go.


  23. I also need to learn to focus on one thing at a time. I'm a bit of a Luddite so I rarely ever use my cell phone, let alone when I'm driving!

  24. Traffic is so bad and lights are so slow here during the season ... If not for the radio I would jump out of my skin! I don't dare try to text or read ... I know I'd plow into the car in front of me. I try to focus and be mindful in life, but it is SO hard. Did you ever try to stand perfectly still for a minute or two while you were reheating something in the microwave? I can't do it.

  25. I like your coffee making filter, Dot. We make a full pot of coffee every morning and my husband and I finish it by mid day. I've heard that drinking coffee is actually healthy, so I don't limit any longer. I just don't drink it after 12 noon or I won't sleep at night.
    I do see more and more people using their cell phone while driving--a very unsafe trend--especially text messaging!

  26. Dotsie, I am always checking other drivers while I wait at a light. I can their eyes are not on the road and they are distracted. I just don't want to be around them. Against the law but being done every day. Scary. No coffee for me just tea. Black tea in the mornings and chamomile in the evening. I have found the Jade Citrus Mint which is green does not seem to affect my sleep at night. Grateful. Sylvia D.

  27. You are right, it does pay to take the time to just stop and smell the coffee sometimes. Our distracted driving laws in this province have just gotten tougher and I think that's a great plan. If everyone thought back ten or fifteen years they might remember being able to drive or walk places without a phone. Hope you accomplish all you want to today!

  28. Since retiring I am not required to multi-task anymore and I love it....doing one thing at a time. But I still fall into the old ways especially watching TV and being on the computer. It is an old habit of working in front of the TV....since I was a child doing homework. Old habits die hard, but the most peaceful times are when I do one thing and am mindful about it.

    and LivingFromHappiness

  29. This is just great!!! A wealthy of wisdom in these words, thanks for sharing, I am taking it in.

  30. Well, I am afraid I could not watch the coffee drip! I am multi tasker too. I worked in the restaurant business for a long time from my teens through my twenties. I like a fast pace, and I can manage many things at once. I am not one to sit still. Which is why knitting has been so good for me. It forces me to stop, and sit. But I have to be doing the handwork is perfect! But there is certainly nothing wrong with trying to stop and smell the roses. I could take a lesson from you. I am no Spring Chick anymore. I tend to forget that!!!
    xo Kris

  31. Another clever mosaic, I see! Yes, I guess I'd have to agree that watching coffee drip would not excite me too much either...almost like watching paint! I do a little of both...I mostly focus on one thing but find it quite necessary to multi-task many times. When I see drivers on the road who seem as though they are clueless, they are almost always on their phones, in fact, I see more drivers on their phones than without them...and I am not one of them :)


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