Monday, October 19, 2015


We've been on a road trip to Michigan.
The farther north we drove, the more color we saw.
At some points we saw bare trees.
And experienced delightfully cold weather.
It was a feast for the eyes and refreshment for the body, worn out by hot and humid.
But I think even more than the color, I reveled in the tidy red-barn farms along the way.
As we drove home it was like rewinding …
here in the sunny south the leaves are still mostly green.


  1. The colours of autumn you found in Michigan are wonderful. Your post made me think about February when we drive to Florida. By then our world has been white for a couple of months and the first signs of green grass and leaves give us such a boost.
    Have a good week Dotsie.

  2. Michigan is gorgeous in the autumn! I went to Bible school there.

    Our peak here is next week, but my late turning trees are barely turning so I think they'll be mid November! I don't mind it extends the beauty!

    Your photos are lovely, Dotsie!


  3. You definitely went in the right direction, Dotsie. We were in Arizona last week with highs of 97-100 degrees. We returned home to a frost on Saturday evening. What a nice time of refreshment for you! ♥

  4. Fascinating to "rewind"!

    What beautiful sights you saw on your trip north! And now you get to experience autumn again in your own beloved home! The best of both worlds. This post reminds me of the George Eliot quote, "Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

  5. Lovely photographs, Dotsie. You get to have two Autumns!

  6. The Autumn colors are beautiful. what a lovely road trip! The last sky capture wiht the red barn scene is awesome. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  7. What a great road trip to autumn and back. One day the colors will find you, too! We enjoyed two days of "peak" and then a foul storm blew in and carried off most of our leaves. It is rather depressing to wait all year for only two days. Must think about the next thing before I return to bed. ;D

  8. Tidy red barns and farmyards make me smile, too. Your autumn road trip saw some lovely sights. The trees are becoming bare around here, too, although it's not cold at all. It seems we are in for another warm winter.

  9. Wonderful photos, and love the clouds in the blue sky!

  10. Lovely scenes for sure. Love the barn shot!

  11. Podso,
    Gorgeous scenery within your route, dear friend!!!
    It's a blustery day here on the Prairie with 80+ degrees!!!
    Rain is in our forecast. . .bring it on!!!
    Wishing you a wonderfully filled Autumnal week ahead!!!

  12. Beautiful colors of Fall! The display of colorful mums and pumpkins is so pretty - thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your evening.

  13. What a lovely change of scenery. Hot and humid here and everything is mostly rather drab. I get a melancholy feeling during this time. Waiting for change but it just doesn't want to come. Have a good week, Tammy

  14. What a beautiful fall display in the first photo (and your header). I'm glad you got to enjoy a change of scenery and cooler air for a bit. Have a great week!

  15. "refreshment for the body" Yes. :)

  16. Beautiful pictures! Michigan does offer some stunning fall color. There is something refreshing about Michigan any time of year. I love the sand dunes.

  17. I have never had a road trip north in the fall,I'm in Missouri.
    I like seeing all the pretty purple cabbage that is potted early fall like in your picture

  18. I have never had a road trip north in the fall,I'm in Missouri.
    I like seeing all the pretty purple cabbage that is potted early fall like in your picture

  19. Oh what fun...beautiful photos and wonderful color! Michigan has some LOVELY barns.

  20. Stunningly beautiful pictures, Dot. The further north you drive, the more colorful it gets. What part of Michigan did you go to? I missed enjoying summer (well spring, too) and now fall at our house there and things have been slow to change here in Illinois. Oh well, I'm done pouting.

    Thanks for the Christmas gift idea for the granola. The cherries and cranberries can make it look quite festive!

    Jane xx

  21. Such pretty colors

  22. Absolutely gorgeous examples of autumn! Loved them all.

  23. What a treat that must have been for you. I miss the deep reds of an eastern fall - especially the Maples. How lovely it is to take a road trip!

  24. Oh, how beautiful. I love seeing photos of the scenery from all over.


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