Saturday, July 13, 2013

the past is really never gone

"Deep are these roots, inescapable, restorative. I thought about how life had gone on,
generation after generation. Perhaps the past is really never gone,
but always a part of the present. Lingering there in the quietness, I [gather] up
the people, the places, the little fragments of another time."
Helen Thames Raley

My grandfather and his twin sister, and two brothers are in this photo of school children.


  1. Love old pictures. That quote has a very Wendell Berry feel to it.

  2. Yes, the past is always present, my friend. This picture says it all! I love vintage photos, I have some of family too, someday I'll post them. Now the black and white with me when I was a Little girl, seem VINTAGE too, lol.. Big hugs,

  3. Awesome post.

    Which is your grandfather and his twin? That's NEAT you have that.

    I love the frowning boy second from right in front - he must have thought the camera would steal his soul or something, haha.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Deep indeed. Love this photo. You are so fortunate to have so many wonderful family photos, Dotsie!! And, I love getting to see them. blessings ~ tanna

  5. It is such a wonderful picture. I have twin brothers and twin grandsons.Smiles, Dottie

  6. Are they in the second row? To the left? No, the past is not really gone...

  7. What a great old photograph! It says a lot about the times and styles of the period. I love old photos like that.

  8. I love old photos like the one you've shown. The past does live on in the landscape of our hearts. Poignant.

  9. I adore looking at old photos! In fact, I don't even have to have a connection to enjoy them. On the dresser in my bedroom, I have two aged photographs that I found in an old book I purchased. Is that a little weird? Perhaps, but I still enjoy looking at those pictures. :)

  10. Having old photos like this one gives credibility to one's roots. I like to look at the clothing and even attitude of the people.

  11. I spend a fairly large share of my time doing family history research, so this picture is a treasure in my book!

  12. Podso,
    I treasure and cherish the few vintage photos of my family from their past lives!
    Thank you, dear friend, for sharing your family with us!!!

  13. the photo is a treasure..the quote says it all doesn't it?

  14. Dotsie, this picture reminds me SO MUCH of one that I have of my paternal grandfather as a baby with his mother, father, and half-brothers and sisters. My grandfather's mother was his father's second wife; his father's first wife died. They lived in Arkansas, and the picture looks like something out of the wild west. I love that I have that picture. My parents have the original, and they had copies made for my sister and myself.

    I love the quote that you used in this post. It really makes us think, doesn't it? Hope all is well with you and I hope you have a good week.



  15. Priceless! What darling children. It really helps me remember that the older people I love were once little... I love old pictures too!

  16. That's so special!

    I am going on a trip in August with my dad, my nephew and my daughter to walk where our ancestors - Scotch Covenantor's walked. To see where they lived and where they are buried. We are excited to say the least.

    Thanks for the quote!

  17. Those old photos just fascinate me!!!!
    XO Kris


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