Wednesday, July 10, 2013

dish celebration

When we were visiting my sister we decided to get out our mom's good china and enjoy a meal on it.
I had forgotten how pretty her dishes were, now quite fashionable with gray and hints of turquoise.
The pattern is one of N*ritake's and I believe her mother-in-law gave the set to her after 
Mom and Dad been married for awhile. It looks a bit like the late 50s or early 60s.
So many questions we become curious about when it's too late for an answer!
Doesn't my sister's pretty salad complement the dishes?


  1. Your mother's china is a pretty pattern and colour. I noticed the contents of the salad right away, delicious!

  2. That's a very pretty china pattern. You are so right about the questions that come when answers are no longer possible. Makes me think of things to ask my parents now.

  3. Very, very pretty. I see that each salad got a portion of black olives to my personal specifications! (Never too many black olives for me!) :-)

  4. It is a beautiful pattern and wonderful color. My mother's Noritake is white with a pink rose on it. Not nearly as sophisticated as your mother's. Hope that you're having wonderful days!

  5. Yes, they are right in fashion with our love of turquoise and gray. Everything moves in cycles...

    Hoping you are having wonderful days. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. blessings ~ tanna

  6. I'm always thinking of something I wish I could ask my mom...

  7. Podso,
    Lovely dishes, dear friend!!!
    I admire you for using them and sharing them with your Sister. I know your Mother would be pleased.
    Thanks for sharing them with us!!!

  8. Oh, indeed - looks wonderful!

    That set looks a little like my own late Mom's set that I have - it too is N*ritake - with light blue, white and silver and grey from the 60s.

    I love you two sisters honoured her like that. She would be proud.

  9. Very pretty set!

    I am a firm believer in using china and nice things for ourselves too and not just company!

    Do you know the name of the pattern?


  10. It is a very pretty pattern and the salad looks delicious. It's good to use these old things. It brings back good memories.

  11. That is a very pretty pattern, light and happy looking. The salad looks good too!

  12. How mom's china, which I don't think she has a piece left, was grey and silver with a small dot of color, very similar to these. What a wonderful way to enjoy and your sister.


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