Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Breathing Through Pain

It is good to have breaks from the intensity of sorrow. I don't think we can breathe unless we do. The grief can become suffocating so that we gasp for a deep cleansing breath, but its as if the pain of a broken rib holds us from inhaling deeply. We need mental breaks to survive.

They come. Minor distractions. Changing the subject, so to speak. Going for a walk, shopping, involving oneself in anything to forget for a few minutes. That's all that's needed. Then when we dig back into the grief again, it's ever so a tiny bit better. A little more bearable.

And so it goes--the pain goes, that is--very little by very little. It dulls one small bite at a time. Those little breaks of rest from our grief--that must be part of the grand scheme of coping and healing. I wonder Who designed that.

photo by lulu


  1. All of that is to true. 6 1/2 years later and there are still waves of grief that come and go. Holidays don't help things though... the assurance that we have of the peace we will one day see and the glory as well, helps. I hope that made sense..


  2. I'm so sorry that you're grieving. But my grandma says, "If you dont grieve in this life then you've got no heart." And we all know what a big heart you have.

    You're in my prayers today.

  3. I agree...how nice that you can embrace and capture your thoughts like this.


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