Thursday, November 01, 2007

on the line

on the line
Originally uploaded by podso
A young mother-to-be wrote me today that she had "started washing the cloth diapers" as she prepares for her son's birth. In an instant I was back to that time in my life. My cloth diapers were huge--the tri-fold kind--and they did dry faster on a line than pre-folded. My most vivid memory of dealing with them was when we lived in West Africa and a wringer washing machine did its thing (or we did it together--every diaper rung through the wringer, into the rinse tub, and back through the ringer again!), and then they were hung out to dry. Very often they were rinsed once, twice, or even three times by rain showers before they were dry. They sure were stiff to fold, but bleached nicely by the sun (that is, on sunny days.) Seemed I did diapers almost every day.

They had to be folded. I suppose they could have been stuffed somewhere in a bag and pulled out when time for a diaper change, but they needed to get to diaper shape eventually, so the tidy Dutch--or is it German--in me got to folding them when they were dry. I did find that monotonous job a time to focus on and pray for my babies. When I mention this to young moms considering the pros and cons of cloth diapers today, they add this idea to the plus side. The environment likes cloth too ...

Outstanding photo was googled from somewhere

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo of hanging out the diapers. I recently found a bag of cloth diapers from my youngest! They are pretty new, so I'm using them as dust rags!


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